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Jessica's Story

Jessica Testimonial Before Photo
Jessica Testimonial After Photo

What worked the most with this program for me was Amy’s leadership style, the education piece, as well as her encouragement and motivation. I lost 20 pounds, I feel better than I have in decades, and I have a new confidence I had lost over the years.

Teaching me healthy ways along with the accountability of the other ladies in the group was all the motivation I needed!

When I started the program with Amy, it was exactly what I needed: nutrition, exercise, and getting my mind right. It was easier than I thought, to change all my old unhealthy habits into new VERY healthy habits.

I highly encourage anyone who is thinking about making healthy changes to join this Edu-Thrive program!

Thank you, Amy! I appreciate the doors you have helped open for me! I can’t wait to keep learning and don’t plan to stop this lifestyle!

– Jessica, High School Media Specialist